Last Name: jhangiani
City: london
State/Prov: se18 2tw
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: right winger
Current Football Club: junior reds
Past Football Club: merridan fc
Football Club You Want Trial For: Real madrid and manchester united
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football when i was 5 and went to a charlton soccer school in bexlexyheath in south east london.when i was in primary i played for the school football team and was one of the best in the team and school.when i was 11 years i played for merridan. And now i train and play for junior reds.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I play as good all the time when im at training or at school. Im a very fast player on the ball and can control very well on my two feets. I can shoot from far distance and i play as a very good winger. I have strength on the ball and can pass at a good angle. I am also a very good dribbler and a very good skillful player at matches.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: A Academcy manger can give me a footballtrial because i can be a succesful player to get in and i can play my roles good in a trial and can train to my best abillity in matches and trainings.
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