Last Name: Ayaz
City: Oldham
State/Prov: Greater Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 12
Playing Position: Forward and Left Wing
Current Football Club: The Hathershaw College Academy Trust
Past Football Clubs: St Thomas C of E Primary School, Oldham Greenhill Community Sports Club
Football Club you want a trial for: Manchester City
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have started playing football at the age of 6 Years Old ( Year 1 )
I have played 44 Matches And scored 38 Goals.
I have played 15 Games at Greenhill and scored 17 goals.
- I have played 15 Games at St Thomas C of E Primary School and sored 12 Goals.
- I have played 14 Games at The Hathershaw College Academy Trust and scored 7 goals.
I have been playing At Tudor Pitch Coppice because that was the closest pitch that I could train at.
Every day when I go out and play football for 2 to 3 Hours it is because I enjoy playing it.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am a very confident football player, my ability to play so well allows me to create great chances for my team mates in order to score goals.
I can do a varieties of skills such as Rainbow Flick, Cruyff turn, outside hook, inside hook, Drag back and my favourite skill of them all is The step over.
My favourite stuff that I like doing while playing football is Scoring and Getting past defenders to score goals. My personal football skill is called U turn, I use this technique to score goals.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: My confidence in my self as a good football players allows me to excel further each time I am playing football. My skills and techniques are my tool in playing a great game, I am also a very hard worker practicing everyday and looking for any opportunity to show off my football skills. Also having a good stamina also allows me to play a food ball game longer
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