Last Name: Ndayishimiye
City: Storo
State/Prov: OSLO
Country: Norway
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: Sentral Midfield
Current Football Club: Korsvoll
Past Football Clubs: Frøyland, Nærbø, Tyrifjord, Varhaug, Hana and Sanved
Football Club you want a trial for: Celtic
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: From 8 years to 12 i played for Hana and Sanved. Then I moved to Varhaug. I played there from 2007-2010. Then I played for Tyrifjord with G19 in 2010/11 season because I moved from Varhaug for school reason. After that I played for Varhaug again in senior level in 2011/12 season. Then I moved to a club called Nærbø and played for 1 year. Then Frøyland, since they where better and I got an offer. My last move was to Korsvoll by school reason, but in senior level, and this is in 2013/14 season. Am late with contract though.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am good with both feet, but best with the right. Good overview and love through passes. I have winning mentality, hate losing ball. Good technique and ball control. I am a team player, Kagawa’s my Role Model. Always motivated and always training Monday-Friday with football school. Ofc good stamina.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Because I’ve worked hard. Not only for me, but also for my family. I know I will succeed. I want to work with something I love, and that has to be Football. My family need help down in Africa so I am motivated to win. Am chosen to play Football.
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