Last Name: Barnett
City: Newport
State/Prov: Newport
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Centre midfield
Current Football Club: Marshfield JYFC
Past Football Clubs: Bristol rovers youth academy and Swansea development centre
Football Club you want a trial for: Newport, Cardiff or any club in south of England
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at 4 years old. I started as a striker for marshfield JYFC until I was 8 when I started to play centre midfield for Swansea development centre. Since then I have continued playing centre midfield for a few different teams.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I play in a local league and I am confident that I am one of the best players in the league. Also I think I could be a extremely effective player at academy level.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I love football and I am desperate to play professionally. I would always give everything for a team and be extremely committed. Also I think I am very good defensively and offensively and therefor, I could improve any team.
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