Last Name: Harrar
State/Prov: london
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: cm
Current Football Club: n/a
Past Football Clubs: Anfa fc
Football Club you want a trial for: arsenal, qpr, fulham, chelsea
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i dont have a long line of football history. i have played for school teams then found out my love and talent for football, so i joined a club, i got accepted straight away and was put on the starting line-up for the first game, i quit because i felt like it wasnt reaching my potential, and if you have football inside you, you should just be given a chance.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: i am willing to take risks at any cost, i always try never regret. i have guts and arrogance which comes in handy when needed to do the impossible. i never give up even when i know its all over. i have fun.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: i see football as a game not a job,i live, breathe and sleep football. i am football and dont let anyone tell me different, i am a player who believes there is nothing to lose, even when everything is at stake. and even when i shouldn't, especially then. I risk everything. also what have you got to lose.
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