Last Name: Daley
City: Hamitlon
State/Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Your Age:
Playing Position: Center back
Current Football Club: OPDL Hamilton
Past Football Club: Mt Hamilton
Football Club You Want Trial For: Austin villa
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Im Myles's dad he has been playing soccer at the highest level possible for the last 3 years. My uncle a retired RAF officer lived in Birmingham . He recently died of prostate cancer Austin Vila was his favorite team. We are planning on going to Birmingham for the memorial. While we are there I'm wondering if my Myles could attend one of your camps.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Myles plays center back or left forward . He is 5'11 , 150 lbs. Myles has broken an Ontario track and field record in the200 m which has stood since 1977. He also holds records in 100 m . He's tall and is unbeaten on the field in speed. He can defend any attack. Or head any ball being the tallest on his team
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: My uncle Roy May RAF was a devoted fan of soccer and the villa club. Myles will not dissapoint you on the field. As I said we will be in your area for two weeks . End of October start of November . If you could have a look I'd be greatful
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