Last Name: bhawanipersad
City: centurion
State/Prov: gauteng
Country: South Africa
Your Age:
Playing Position: 10-striker
Current Football Club: Centurion football club ( 3 months ago )
Past Football Clubs: sunford sporting club ,( durban , south africa)
Football Club you want a trial for: any international club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing soccer at the age of 4, from the age of 4 I always had a passionate for soccer.My first club was Sunford Sporting Club in Durban.On my first appearance I played number 10 and scored a goal.In 2009 I got the player of the year for my club and was noted most of the time player of the match.I left Sunford Sporting in 2010.I've searched for clubs afterwards but did not have transport.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I'm a very top scoring person and I can do freestyling.I have some videos of me freestyling but they not posted up in any social sites. I achieve whatever the coach tells me to achieve because through determination and hardwork anything is possible.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I'm a responsible and hardworking person.I believe that I can make a change in our national team ( South Africa ).I've dedicated my life to soccer and that will never change.Please give me a chance to prove myself that I am worthy of been given a trial.
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