Last Name: adeola adepoju
City: ikorodu
State/Prov: lagos
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 22
Playing Position: forword
Current Football Club: 3fc academy
Past Football Club: real juinior fc
Football Club You Want Trial For: swansea
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started football as a goalkeeper in my primary school.and later in my secondary school,I perfected my controls and shots so my coach ask me to start upfront in a training section.I scored that day and since then,I have been banging goals upon goals.after school I went to a nearby pitch where football was played and I joined them as a goalkeeper and a striker,but I did all my season as a goalkeeper because they had no option in gaol than me.I later got playing time and scored more goal with real junior.till now am still strongly bliving that I have what it take to deliver like the like of costa and suarez.may GOD help me.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I can lead a counter atack,and fix some finish passes.I have a fast rate of recovery and can mark out any player on the field of play,am a strong ball possesser and really always want to improve,I train 1 hour more than my team mates amd do more shooting at training and at home.I can also play in the defence and the midfeild if need quality is priceless buh only my physical expresion can prove all this.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I should be give a chance becuase I have the ability to push when wt of e àre going down,I posses a multivativational skills in and off the pitch.I think there a lot more to me playing rather than talking or wwritting.give me a trial see if am qulified or not.
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