Last Name: fatai
E-Mail Address:
City: lagos
State/Prov: lagos
Country: Nigeria
Current Football Club: imota ayayo fc
Past Football Clubs: leo fc
Football Club you want a trial for: liverpool
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i started my football career @the age of 7yrs when i played for a street team in year 2005. After severall match, i was invited to my yekins fc in year 2009 and won two trophy for them, i was also invited to the junior school team in year 2010 and they made me the assistant captain ...(for abbreviation)
PAST TEAMS :leo fc & junior sch team (2010-12)
leo fc & snr sch team (2012-13)
PRESENT TEAMS: imota ayayo fc (a local gov. Team/semi pro league team)
you can check my team and league websites https:www.lagosjuniorleague.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: am orikemi fatai by name, a young talented footballer, playing from the right wing (7).
I currently played for a local gov. Team (a semi pro team) in ikorodu,lagos (nigeria)
am a player full of ambition and i have all it takes to be a footballer Cuz my strenght, skills, touches on the ball and my speed makes me exceptional... I can't say more than that for now BUT I PROMISE, "A TRIAL WILL CONVICE YOU"
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: my speed and my dribble ability are so exceptional. Apart of being skilful player, i've developed a new skill by myself which i wish to show to the world
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