Last Name: Hassall
City: Catterick
State/Prov: North Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: CB, LB or CM
Current Football Club: North Yorkshire Corinthians academy
Past Football Club: Richmond town
Football Club You Want Trial For: Bradford city
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have grown up with football since the age of 7 and I have played it throughout my whole life, I have always enjoyed it and gave my all in every single game I've played, my football career started with my primary school team then I went up to my local football team and right now I'm playing for my county in a league with adults aged 25+ and it's a great challenge for me
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My football ability as described by other people such as managers, past and present and also my team mates is very dedicated to the team I play for, I give 120% every game and I will always battle my heart out, when I play defence nobody gets past me they either have to pass it or they lose the ball, I like dictating play and picking out that vital pass with my brilliant vision levels during a match
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Like I described in my last paragraph I love football and I always will, I am very dedicated to the sport and I am totally willing to improve and I think working with an academy manager is the best environment for me as they know how to make me improve and reach that professional standard I aspire to be at in the future and I'm really hoping I get that chance to showcase my ability to people higher up in the football ladder
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