Last Name: Stanis Ikechi
City: Ikeja
State/Prov: Lagos State
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 21
Playing Position: Striker and Attacker
Current Football Club: None
Past Football Club: None
Football Club You Want Trial For: I want any club all around the world
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I was child played with tin tomatoes like ball till when I was 11yrs old after 11 yrs I played with tennis ball till I was 15yrs played with big ball till now 21.I am still 21yrs old now with great striker and attacker.I was the best player in my school of all time from primary to secondary school and I didn't go to university because of football, I am there to look for Pro Football Club around the World or Europe then Why? Because I want to be the best in the world too of all times, I did in my School and I want to do for World by God's grace.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Stamina, pass,Speed, Dribble, powerful shot and header etc.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I am a respectful person with God's fear.Whatever any academy director or any director have say I'll do.
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