Last Name: Greene
City: London
State/Prov: Colchester
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Rightback
Current Football Club: Cornard dynamos reds
Past Football Club: None
Football Club You Want Trial For: Reading or norwiich
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: In my career I started of at cornard dynamos when I was seven because all of my friends were there and I'm still at that club now and throughout that time my team has been to numerous amounts of tournaments won numerous amounts of tornaments been promoted and we've also been invited to go play at West Ham stadium to play a tournament against some London teams which was quite a hard but fun expirence. I also have switched from right mid to striker to CB to LB to RB witch has given me some all round good attributes
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing has improved over the last 4 years in every aspect .
My defending has improved massively, my strengths in defending is my strength, my vocal ability, pace and normal tackles and last ditch tackles also I'm very good at shooting as my brother the coach of my football team sometimes focuses on my freekicks and shooting. I have a big kick for clearenses and I'm quite good at tactics. I do have a decent amount of skills as well.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because I am very hard working I'm always mature I would always improve I would always listen to what he said and do what he said my head never drops I'm very good at lifting and incorouging people as I am the captain for my team and I think I could get in the team if I passed the trials because of all my good attributes and the ability to lift a team if they conceded
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