Last Name: Chinemelu
City: Wakefield
State/Prov: West Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 25
Playing Position: Defensive Midfield / Centre midfield
Current Football Club: Leeds city + 5 a side football team
Past Football Club: Alotofs FC, Eastmoor FC, Nostel Priary FC
Football Club You Want Trial For: Any Profesional club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am very passionate about football I've been playing all my life and the reasons why I believe I didn't make it Profesional was personally reasons as a teenager, family fighting for indefinite stay in uk and also dad wasn't there. Now I'm here still playing and stronger than ever and truly believe have now is my chance to show what I can do with my talent.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Physical part of me is I am fit and also very fast 100metre sprint I can reach 10.90 or below.. I am naturally strong and I have a lot of strength, players find it hard to get past me because of pace n strength
Technical: my passing is my strongest ability I have a really good vision and can pass ball to straight to u from other side of pitch I and a good tackler n very creative with a good technique all around
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I truly believe that I could be an example of football adults my age and over that it's never too late to make dreams come true. I also believe if it wasn't for my personal reasons in past that I would've been playing Profesional because I truly believe in my abilities
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