    Last Name: Mayamoto
    City: London
    State/Prov: Newham
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age:
    Playing Position: Right winger
    Current Football Club: Pro star
    Past Football Club: Pro star
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Spurs
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football when I was 5 or 7. I started playing football on the street with my friends then after I joined a local club called pro star in Stratford. I have been scouted and I have been on trial before, this is not new for me but I didn't go because of location problems. I also trained at west ham kicks everyday and I am mostly surrounded everyday by people that play football. A lot of people in my family play for academy and some are even play professionally and also all my friends play for academy.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing ability off ball is good I've got sharp movement and I've got a sharp mind I'm a thinker, a winner and I put 100% in every game I play. I play every match like its my last, I'm a very patient footballer in matches, win loose or draw I still keep the same attitude which is stay positive through out the hole game. When it comes to defending I have sharp defense, I have got a smart mind and quick feet and my I've got good agility I can get out of a situation when I need to e.g when I'm trapped in a space. I got good touch and good technique.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: An academy coach should give me a trial because I've got great potential and I've got incredible love for the game, in every training session, warm up, match I put 100% percent into it. I'm very smart on and off the ball and on and off the pitch. I could say I'm very different from a regular football player and I don't play in a English style or brazillian or even a Spanish style I play my own. No other player plays like me and has the same mind as mine. Everyone makes mistakes but the difference with me is I don't make the same mistake twice!


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