Fidel fray
    Last Name: Edoziuno
    City: Benin city
    State/Prov: Edo state
    Country: Nigeria
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: Centre forword and right flank(9 and 7)
    Current Football Club: Shooting arrow
    Past Football Clubs: Anambaco fc and ini stars
    Football Club you want a trial for: Any club open for trails
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have been playing football since the age of 5 and i always play with people twice older than i am still yet i play my best though it was on the streets.
      Later on i started a street club named Super slippers i was picked by their coach when he saw me play for another teams friendlies named Ever flying i played for them because they were short of players when two of thier attackers had an injury and couldn't play i scored two goals for them which made them win. The coach of super slippes then asked me to play for his team by becoming one of his players so i agreed and played though we came out 2nd runner up wit me been the most valueable player(mvp) and the second highest goal scorer.
       Now i play for shooting arrow as the top 9 and somtimes i play right flank though i have played friendlies with some other clubs in my recent team. Am a fan of Bacelona fc nd my mentors are lionel messi and  andres iniester and christiano Ronaldo.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I can be able to play two matches straight and still be fit i'm a good scorer and want to improve on it too i make good square passes and i can be able to adapt to any team. I have experience with playing for lots of teams and still deliver i can be able to help out my team by creating chances and driving in to try and deliver when my team mates are been tightly tackled.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I need a football trail in other to expose my ability and in other for me to make sure that whatever team i am going to play for that at least can prove myself useful and efficient in other to bring my team forword and to the next level and to be able to show who ever is watching me that i am useful and can do much more.


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