    Last Name: rolston
    City: walsall
    State/Prov: west middles
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: right midfield
    Current Football Club: rostance edwards
    Past Football Club: great wyrley
    Football Club You Want Trial For: any one
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i started when i was 8, i have won this season, the county cup and won the league also runners up in the shied. i can play right back and right mid also striker, i have scored 11 and assisted 16 in this season in the league
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: i am fast and good on the ball. i have a nice cross with corners and free kicks. i need to work on my touch and skill i am okay at shooting, i am not scared to have a good but ill like to create a better chance to score a goal.i always chase the back if i loss it and get back. i just want some on to let me have a go to show them what i can do but if they say im not good a to play for them. but i then would try hard to prove them wrong thank you hope you get me in one.

     from brad rolston
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: i am fast and good on the ball. i have a nice cross with corners and free kicks. i need to work on my touch and skill i am okay at shooting, i am not scared to have a good but ill like to create a better chance to score a goal.i always chase the back if i loss it and get back. i will alway give them a 110% on pitch and off


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