    Last Name: Davidson
    City: Gateshead
    State/Prov: Newcastle
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 17
    Playing Position: Centre forward
    Current Football Club: Gateshead boys fc
    Past Football Clubs: Cleveland hall. Leam rangers. Boldon colts
    Football Club you want a trial for: Gateshead fc
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words:

    i am interested in trying out for these trials i would be very grateful for this oppertunity for me to show you the talent that i have i am 17 year old and have been playing football since the age of 6 i have always played in the centre forward position and have always been top scorer for my team i look forward to hearing from youseI have played at teams such as redby football club, Boldon colts football club, I also had trials at Newcastle development for 6 month which they tried me in positions which I wasn't good at, they didn't play me in my correct position so I could not show my full potential. I have won a number of cups and trophies for team and individual performances, I have won trophies such as golden boot awards, managers player and players player I currently play for Gateshead fc boys club I have scored over 50 goals so far this season


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