Last Name: ukaegbu
City: lagos
State/Prov: lagos state
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: right full back
Current Football Club: anaky fc
Past Football Clubs: eagle star fc
Football Club you want a trial for: southampton fc
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Ok when started playing football was at age of 5years and as of that time i use to sponsor my self by saving the little money that the use to give me for snacks if am goin to school let me say that i train my self with my saving,i played sunshine fc galant star fc,eagle star and anaky and bring out a good fruit that is inside me and i played many league in my country.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: About my playing ability i will start by saying that every player needs to be strong in football and by God's grace he created me strond,secondly all player needs to be fast and bold in football field i thank God the two am involve inside it,thirdly all players need to be competative in every game the found them self and i thank God that he make's me competative inside a football ground so am happy that God teach me through the help of my manager.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Football trials is not meant for every body,but football trial is meant for those who are willing to show what the have and i am among those who are willing to show what the have to the team and the world.
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