nweke john ik
Last Name: junior
City: kaduna
State/Prov: abia state
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 18
Playing Position: amf,cmf
Current Football Club: rising star fc uturu
Past Football Clubs: rising star fc uturu
Football Club you want a trial for: norwhich trials or sunderland trials.
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: my football was quit difficult because I combined with my studies.but. football is my dream skill and talent.I hope to get oppurtunity so dat I could help others dat wana become footballers in life.I hope am given the chance cos it would b a dream come true.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: talking about my playing ability am at advantage bcos I opreate in d field of play with both foot.nd I. have endurance speed nd interception skills plus marking cos is the wrk of a mfielder.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I belive they can bcos I always pray about my football ambition nd I have faith dat am up to the task if the oppurtunity comes up.nd the manager won't bcos I'll give in my best as a deciplined player.
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