    Last Name: Heron
    City: Liverpool
    State/Prov: Merseyside
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: Centre midfield right back
    Current Football Club: Woolton diamonds and elite football collage
    Past Football Club: Netherly  kingsthorne and Knowsley school boys
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Any willing to give me a chance
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: currently playing for woolton diamonds
    under 16s in the halewood league we are currently top of the league We won the county cup to.i play for halewood academy and we won the Merseyside cup I also have been accepted into LFC foundation collage and Elite collage and will be representing elite collage in the Keele tournament .
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I have a long range of passing and shooting from distance. I break down the opponents attack and play a quick clever pass to turn into a counter attack.i can play centre midfield and right back I am well committed and will NEVER pull out of a tackle and I will never give up
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I need a chance to show what I'm about and what I can provide I believe and so does my managers  I am ready to take the next step up to academy football as I am playing collage football.i am so committed and will not give up as I want this so much


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