Jordan Barrie Paul
    Last Name: Grosse
    City: Grantham
    State/Prov: Lincolnshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 17
    Playing Position: Right Wing/Left Wing
    Current Football Club: Colsterworth Men's Team
    Past Football Club: Colsterworth Colts
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Nottingham Forrest
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing from the age of 5, and have played since, I am 17 and play men's football, I played for Colsterworth Colts from the age of 5 till 15, then I was move to men's football, as I said I play men's football now and they aren't the best standard and would like to play higher.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Last time I clocked 100m in 10seconds flat, I have a lot of pace whilst running down the wing, I chase the ball and never give up, football is my life and I enjoy playing it I have decent control with the ball, but coaching can only make it better, I can run with the ball at pace.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I believe I should be given a trial because I will prove that I am worth the trial, I will do as told and if I'm told to do laps I will do so, I will prove I have pace and will show that I can control a ball and control a ball whilst running, I promise to show my full potential of being a footballer for Nottingham Forrest, please consider me.


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