Mohsin Ahmed
Age : 19
Your County : Pakistan
Your Nationality : Pakistan
Best Position : Forward
Current Club : Karachi Flams FC
Previous Clubs : Karachi Flams FC
Which Club you want a trials for : Manchester United
Country you live : Pakistan
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I'm playing football for a local club here since last few years. I play as a striker and my second position is attacking Mid-fielder. I've been in contact with a couple of player's agents but they didnt responded me well. I'm still looking for someone who can help me build my career.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I can run very fast with the ball, this is my main ability. I can also dribble the ball and bamboozle the defender easily. In Mid I can pass the ball well. I think I can prove my skills if I am given a chance.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Because he will definitely not get disappointed by giving me a chance. I can show my skills to him or anyone who takes my trial. I just hope my dream comes true.
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