Last Name: Shrestha
City: Kathmandu
State/Prov: Bagmati
Country: Nepal
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Centre Forward
Current Football Club: Not yet
Past Football Clubs: I haven't
Football Club you want a trial for: Arsenal fc
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: When I was 10 I started to play football.In that time I used to play for my school.When I was 12 I got first gold medal in football.From then, in football my interest became more.I have not played for any club till now but I have played for my local team.I love to play football so I used to play football everytime especially in morning and evening time.I used to practice football in my school.In my school there was a football coach who used to train me and my friends.I have made a local team and now I am playing for my local team.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I love to play as centre forward which is my favourable position for me.I have stamina,speed,skills,shooting and passing ability.I am a great runner which means I have best speed.In school I used to won medals on running and relay race.My accuracy power is as better as speed.I love shoot quickly by taking smooth and better decision.I can take better decisions quickly which is my main power and technique .I can play good footballfor any team for whole 90 minutes.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: An Academy manager give me a trial because he can believe and rely on me.If he give a chance then,I surely make his club better.I will make his club best club in the world.
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