Last Name: Azuonye
City: Abuja
State/Prov: Abuja
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 21
Playing Position: LW( left winger) RW (right winger)
Current Football Club: None
Past Football Club: None
Football Club You Want Trial For: Arsenal
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing for the Pepsi football academy at the age of 7, I attended some competitions in my country. Later in 2008 I attended the Manchester United soccer school which was successful and am still fit till date ...
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I started playing for the Pepsi football academy at the age of 7, I attended some competitions in my country. Later in 2008 I attended the Manchester United soccer school which was successful and am still fit till date ...
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: An academy manager should give me a trial because, I have been longing to become a soccer star, and I know I will be great in soccer with all my abilities finally am a great team player.
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