    Last Name: mbongue
    City: London
    State/Prov: London
    Country: Spain
    Your Age: 17
    Playing Position: Central back
    Current Football Club: free
    Past Football Clubs: Barcelona F.c and R.c.d español
    Football Club you want a trial for: arsenal, Chelsea, qpr, London
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I played from 7 years at FC Barcelona, ​​RCD Espanyol to play in the reserves with 16 years before everything started to play football in a team of my city and 6 years FC Barcelona join me. Now I am free because my parents have moved to London for work and I'm too young to be left alone and the conditions they offered were not good for my future so broke the contract and got here 4 months and am looking team.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I'm a very good sprinter with a sound anticipation of the opponent's next move. I'm physique and height as a defender makes him a good header with a clean tackle ability.  football exposure with top teams in the world has greatly improved his position in the field of play with a fearless and very brave attitude. I'm a good understanding of his goalkeeper and communicates well with his team, while exhibiting good concentration and skills. I'm a player that perfectly combines physical strength with technical ability and tactical awareness . I'm a good ball control, delivers accurate passes with powerful and precise shots and I'm simply a striker's nightmare, as  defends with all his strength and skill. I think I'm teachable and a very fast learner with a great determination and drive to succeed and win always.  Definitely a great asset to any club he belongs to.

    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: because I think I need the possibility to be a footballer and opportunities must be because if not how good you are and you have a good chance never get it I just need a good opportunity. Thanks


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