Last Name: peta
City: caen
State/Prov: normandie
Country: France
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: : right back, Central defender and Defensive Midfielder
Current Football Club: Mondeville
Past Football Clubs: le brute
Football Club you want a trial for: any pro club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at age of 5, when I reach 7, I was admit to lebrute clud in france. At 10, I started school of foot in of he best school in normandie/france(Foot College Jean Moulin. I am playing now with Mondeville club.
with mondeville clud, I player 5 championat which one of was in espagne call dometic cup, , Guiegas cup- Europe (France) and many more. I am now looking to go forward with the game of my life.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am very motived player,• Leader inside and out the field
• Organises games and distributes ball
• Pressure in defence
• Precision passes
• Sacrifice and commitment
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I think the foot ball is part of my life and I am willing to give all I have to be a famous player in the world. I hope and I believe with you,my dream will come true and you will not regret to give me the opportunity. I am ready to relocate to accomplish the dream of my life.
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