Last Name: fox
City: nottingham
State/Prov: mansfield
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 20
Playing Position: central attacking midfielder
Current Football Club: masons arms fc
Past Football Club: kirkby bentinck
Football Club You Want Trial For: any club thats interested
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Ive played football from being a young child. Playing has always been a big interest to me. I also enjoy watching as i like to learn new things and study how somebody plays. Ive played for various local teams and i believe i have what it takes to take it to the next level. All i need is for somebody to give me the chance to prove i can do it.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Im a strong physical player who isnt affraid to get stuck in and Im a team Player. Im a good passer and dribbler with acceptional ball control skills. I also have a very good, powerful shot. When ive played for past teams ive always been known as a playmaker who may sit behind the striker, play midfield, anywhere you'd like. Im fit and have enough steam to get me through the match and more.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because i know i have the ability to be a good footballer who could be a valuable asset to my club. All i need is the chance to prove it.
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