Last Name: Mohammed
City: Tamale
State/Prov: kpalsi
Country: Ghana
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Striker
Current Football Club: Young Meteors f.c
Past Football Clubs: Young Meteors f.c
Football Club you want a trial for: Man chester united f.c
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at the age of 5.And at the age of 7 i was playing football with my friend when a man call Mr.Abass who is the head coche of Young Meteors ask me to join his team so i accepted.
At the age of 7 i joined the under8 of Young Meteors f.c i start playing as Winger and scored 15 goals in 17 matches and in that season we were 2nd in the table that was in 2005 i was ask to join the under10s at the age of 8 in that season we dId well,i didnt get the chance to play for the under 12 because of my hiegth so i joined under 17 at the age of 15 till date.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: i'm a player who like shooting at the 20yers area.and wen ever we lead the score sheet i can weast time by many ways,i like dribble expercly when it cames to counter and one-on-one.blocking a player form the ball is interesting i enjoy doing that,i can defend when ever there is presure on us.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Football is something that i want to do ever since i was a kid.and my perents thinks that i cant play football because the dont belive in it even due i try to let them understand but they wont and also to be a world class player,to break the record of Jorgi Wea as the 2nd african player to win the world best player.
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