Last Name: Lane
City: Halesowen
State/Prov: West Midlands
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Midfield/Defence
Current Football Club: Netherton Colts Football Club
Past Football Club: Netherton Colts Football Club
Football Club You Want Trial For: Walsall Football Club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Football has always been apart of me. The Netherton Colts Soccer Clinic is where I began to play.I started the sessions when I was 5. The coaches really helped me develop my skills and guided me through football.I found a place in the Netherton Colts under 7's team where other Soccer Clinic players had joined. Netherton Colts had a brilliant team and we carried on showing that. I have shown the commitment and dedication I have for this club.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Playing football takes ability, agility and commitment which I can deliver. My strongest ability on the pitch is accurate passing which resembles in my training ability. I for see my ability to gain strength with the co-operation on strength of those who are committed to team building. My strongest position on the pitch is midfield however, I have covered every role and that reflects on my commitment to the team. I have the ability to play anywhere on the field.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Every team looks for a strong player who shows 100% commitment, knowledge of the game and a captains heart. That is exactly what I can deliver.My achievements in the past show how much effort I put into football. I would like to be considered for an academy having the experience already.I hope you consider recommending me to your academy. I look forward to your reply.
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