    Last Name: Strudwick
    City: Lancing
    State/Prov: West Sussex
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 17
    Playing Position: Right Midfield
    Current Football Club: Southwick FC
    Past Football Club: Worthing Minors Athletic
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Brighton and Hove Albion FC Acadmey
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I currently play for Southwick FC Yth U17, I had been playing for PW Colts FC, Lancing Rangers FC, Lancing Rangers Select FC, Worthing Minors Athletic, Southwick FC.

    I had first been playing PW Colts FC until the club folded , I then moved on to  my local club Lancing Rangers FC I then had to leave due to problems in the club, also as my time playing for lancing rangers FC I broke my leg and to. Get fit again I played for Lancing rangers select and once I got fit again I then moved back to Lancing rangers FC, after I had left Lancing  rangers FC I then moved on to playing for Worthing minors athletic FC after my season had finished with Worthing Minors Atheltic FC because it went up to u16 I then moved on to Southwick FC u17 and now moving up to u18 County Football.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I had started playing for PW Colts FC as a denfender, As I moved on to Lancing Rnagers I still played as a denfender, as I progressed through the seasons I started playing in midfield I have been playing as a midfielder for quite a while now and have been getting fitter through the seasons.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: The reason I think that I should have a chance is that I am loyal and determend to not give in and I would work as hard as I can to reach my goal, I'm always reliable and loyal to my team and my team-mates, also I'm respectable.


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