    Last Name: Hickey
    City: Brighton
    State/Prov: Bn10 7pw
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: Centre midfield or attacking midfielder
    Current Football Club: Rottingdean
    Past Football Club: Hailsham
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Chelsea, brighton
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have played for Rottingdean since I was about 4 I played there untill I was 14 and left as our team folded. I then went on to play for hailsham united for a year and didn't enjoy my football at that club and then hear rottingdean where starting a new team again so joined them. When I was younger I was scouted for Charlton athletic and was in thier books.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I think I am a key player in midfield. I am strong I have good vision and a good play maker I have a good shot I me and very strong to get players of the ball! Also as attacking I am very good at defending.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think they should give me a trial because I have a lot of potential to become a good player. I can work around the squad and I'm easy to get along with and everyone would get a long with me. I am very hard working in trainer and will never miss a training session.


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