Last Name: James
City: Scarborough
State/Prov: Yorkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Cam
Current Football Club: Scarborough
Past Football Clubs: Phoenix,Scarborough and district , Leeds United shadow squad
Football Club you want a trial for: York city
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: We'll I started playing football as soon as I can run I've always had love for it and football comes before everything I started playing for Phoenix and played for them for a few years and was best team in Scarborough and we had a tournement at Thorpe arch and 3 of our players got scouted for Leeds and I played for them for about a year but then my mum couldn't get transport at that time but now she can so I needed to leave and then I went back to Phoenix what as moved to the hull league and we won the league in the top division.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: My strengths are ball control vision to seek out a pass, got good shooting accuracy I show good compuresure in Game situations I am really determined to put 100% effort into everything I want to make progress.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I think am academy should give me a trail because I would prove to the manager that I will try my best in every situation possible.i have played for academy's before so I know what it's like.
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