Last Name: Sullivan
City: Wicklow
State/Prov: Leinster
Country: Ireland
Your Age: 18
Playing Position: Right Back / Right Wing
Current Football Club: Wicklow Rovers
Past Football Club: Arklow Town
Football Club You Want Trial For: Liverpool
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My highest achievement in football has been playing for Arklow Town in the Leinster senior league at the age of 16 since then I have moved to Wicklow Rovers earlier in my footballing life I had played for Wicklow rovers before I moved to arklow town with arklow town I reached the all Ireland semi final during my youths season
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I started out as a defensive player mainly playing centre back but as I've developed as a player I'm more attacking playing right back and right wing and recently I've found myself playing centre forward for Wicklow rovers senior team I feel more confident in right back or right wing I consider myself to be quite strong with pace
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think a manager would see how determined I am as well as my football ability I work hard for the team and like I said above I consider myself to be quite strong with pace and with the right work ethic and attitude
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