Last Name: mofana
City: bloemfontein
State/Prov: free state
Country: Country
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: striker
Current Football Club: manguang united
Past Football Clubs: manguang united
Football Club you want a trial for: Arsenal FC,Tottenham Hotspur FC
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: It first started in the house at a very small age, at age 7 then it went to the streets and I'm still playing at the streets during my free time even though I'm playing a club what I see or do on the streets where there is lots of skills I took it at the field I have always loved kicking things and running
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Im righted footed, I'm a striker who can play rightwing, leftwing where I most of the time cut in to cross staight to the poles or give others the ball centre forward I can play it very well and attacking I like because that's when I get to be all over the field, I'm good at jumping and coming behind a player who has the ball
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: All my life I wanted to play football,god give gifts some can sing some can act some can do maths what I know for sure is what I have is a gift from god that I need to filful because some are filfulling there's. In my country south africa there is no opportunities to play football here, there are millions kids that wants to do what I'm doing now and I won't mess up my chance, the ones that are success today don't not mess up their chances and I won't too
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