Akinade victor
Age :
Your County : Nigeria
Your Nationality : Nigerian
Best Position : Attacking Midfielder (8)
Current Club : eajs fc
Previous Clubs : eajs fc
Which Club you want a trials for : Chelsea fc
Country you live : Nigeria
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : My football life was hard when i was 7 years but when i was 11 i became the best of all i was given no 10 to wear when i was 12 my coach gave me no 11 since nobody knows how to play the wing,immediately he got someone who could play the wing he gave number 8 to be wearing and since am their goal maker i narely miss a match. And the most severe injury i have had is ANKEL INJURY and that was last year april.And i give the uttermost respect to my coach and my seniors in the team.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : Am a midfielder like frank lamperd i can play 11 and 8 perfectly without any complane and i am strong naturally am also a goal maker and a goal scorer. I narely get injured when playing the ball and i can also play somepart of football very well like penalty,free-kick,corner-kick and heading.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : The acedemy director should give me a chance because their is nowhere i am that i will not perform and of me being a atacking midfielder i think i should be able to score more goals and to handle the midfield meaningfully with the rest without any effect and to help the club to the top
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