Last Name: Taylor
City: Winsford
State/Prov: Cheshire England
Country: Country
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Left wing/midfield
Current Football Club: local team-junior blue
Past Football Clubs: port vale
Football Club you want a trial for: Macclesfield, Crewe and others
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Aged 6 I started playing for a local team, winsford diamonds.There I played left wing-winning managers player for 3 consecutive years. At the age of 9 I joined a team, bocca juniors, whilst there I had trials for Crewe development squad, where I went onto play for Crewe tigers, winning many trophies. From the age of 14 I had a choice of trials at either Crewe or port vale, choosing port vale, playing numerous positions with excellent progress reports.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I mainly use my left foot although I am capable of using both feet. I have quick feet and a skillful player. I believe I can deliver crosses from various angles, with good quality. I play attacking and defending roles. I'm a team player with good vision and a clear understanding of the game.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I believe I deserve a trial as I am respectful, and a great attitude with my coaches and listen to their feedback and with that feedback I try to execute it to my best ability. I have a great fitness level and I give 100% in training and games
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