    Last Name: Rametsi
    City: Klerksdorp
    State/Prov: North west
    Country: South Africa
    Your Age: 22
    Playing Position: Striker
    Current Football Club: Twenty-11 fc
    Past Football Clubs: Nthabi stars, Jouberton development team, Engwe le engwe keyone...
    Football Club you want a trial for: Freestate stars fc and fc barcelona
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Im am a well peforming striker who can play 90 cosecutive munites,I have been to most professional soccer trials and yet never made it through. Either than  playing forward I can also play on both physically fit also got a very good pace,able to peform skills if nessesary.
    Im a top goal scorer I rate myself 8/10,im able to use both legs equally well
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Im able to use both legs equally a best forward player that also play left wing and write wing. Im capable of playing 2 to 4 matches in a raw,im physically and metally strong not to mention the pace I have and also skills I can perform when is needed,I clearly see myself as the african version of Lionel Messi.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I am the future striker that most professional teams are wishing to have,im a player like the good old 'Pele','Diego Maradona'...I surely see my self as a hard worker when it comes to playing football.
    The academy manager will not regret inviting a young star like me to his academy team


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