Last Name: osunwa
City: aba
State/Prov: abia state
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: Attacking midfielder
Current Football Club: Local club
Past Football Clubs: none
Football Club you want a trial for: Chelsea
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: When i was 11 year old,i started playing football in my school team and i have play football for my hometown 2011 i join a new school were i made name of my own.i join the school team i play every match that the school played.i represented the school in a tournament the my school came back with bronze medal
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Am an attacking force that can break down any defence at any time with my pace and speed,am a left footed and right footed a good passer,dribbler,ironman,curve king,megic feet and a tireless player
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I want to show my ability to the world at large that i can do what other player at my age do better,to him him that i match to his taste and that i can change a team to a powerhouse.
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