    Last Name: Cheetham
    City: Liverpool
    State/Prov: Merseyside
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 21
    Playing Position: any attacking position
    Current Football Club: Banks Football Club
    Past Football Club: Bolton FC Academy
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Liverpool FC
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I played football from the young age of 6 right up to 15 before being let go from Bolton academy. I also had district trials with Liverpool and Manchester City. Due to being a late developer I was always told I was to small and weak, because of this I gave up for a few years after turning 15 due to being disheartened.  At 18 I felt I had grown enough and gained alot of strength to try again. I have played for 6th form and sunday league teams since but unfortunately have not had any lucky breaks.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Ability wise I feel I can offer alot in an attacking position, either as a centre attacking midfielder, winger or striker. I am very fast with good dribbling skills and also poses great vision. I think with some tuition from coaches I could develop and tweak my abilities to become a very good player.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: The Ricky Lambert story is what has prompted me into this application.  I feel that there are so many great players myself included who get overlooked due to age. 21 is still very young and I feel that I am still learning. With the help of coaching staff my ability could grow and also with good players around me I could take my football game to another level.


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