Last Name: zakaryan
City: Mariupol
State/Prov: donetsk
Country: Ukraine
Your Age:
Playing Position: forward
Current Football Club: illychivets
Past Football Club: tor mariupol
Football Club You Want Trial For: manchester united
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i"ve started to play football in age of 4,
from that time i trained football 5 times a week, 1.5 hours each training, i work hard in training, i love football very family have decided to move to manchester for living in december 2014, so i want to continue playing football and man united best team for me, which i want add.hope all be good!
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: stroke opponent
scoring a lot of goals
implement the recommendations of the coach
i think you better need to see my game that listen my words, you won"t be dissatisfactive
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