    Last Name: Frois
    E-Mail Address
    City: Watford
    State/Prov: Herts
    Country: United Kingdom
    Current Football Club: Sun postal youth fc
    Past Football Clubs: Watford fc,nascotwood rangers fc
    Football Club you want a trial for: Arsenal,chelsea
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I never used to play football until i was  11,i started to go to the local park snd i played it on my own for hours,at that moment i was playing against 18 year olds and i always standed out,i realised i had talent,i trialled for watford fc and from november to  feburary i was in the centre, i then found out id gained a 6 week academy trial,unfortunatey ii didnt sign due to player overload(full squad) they didnt want to get rid of anyone
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Im very strong,very fast, and very technical,i work hard and have alot of skill,my main traits are accuracy,power shot,passing...assisting and scoring is what i do,i play CM/CAM i have over 70 goals in 3 seasons of football,above average for a midfielder,poeple compare me alot to playing style of isco
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Because i can change the game at any moment,ille pour my heart and soul for the crest on the shirt and i believe i have talent and that i belong in an academy side,i will work from 0 to the 90 mins non stop,i will effect the game at all times in a positive way,im a team player with the ability to take matters into my own hands


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