    Last Name: Robinson
    City: Derby
    State/Prov: Derbyshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Striker
    Current Football Club: Tibshelf Tigers
    Past Football Clubs: Tibshelf tigers
    Football Club you want a trial for: Derby county
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I joined my Tibshelf Tigers 3 seasons ago when my parents finally let me. I have played in all positions including goalkeeper but find I can play my best as a striker. I have scored the most goals in my team. I also train with tibshelf fc and play for my school. I have lots of friends. I keep fit by training with my swimming club 3 times a week and cycling too. I was chosen from all of my local schools for being 'gifted and talented' meaning I had training from top athletes and went to Sheffield Hallam university.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I have a natural talent. I have long legs and trick shots are my speciality! I am a team player having the ability to see what is happening around me. I am able to support my team whenever they need it.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I am in need of a better team to play with. I get frustrated when the team doesn't work as a team. I know I can improve so much if I get the chance to play with people who play at a higher standard than my village team. I am desperate to play, to improve and to win. I love the game.  Please let me try.


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