    Last Name: Murray
    City: Chingford
    State/Prov: London
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Winger/Striker
    Current Football Club: Ridgeway Rovers
    Past Football Club: Prostars
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Barnet United
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at the age of 6.I played for a team called prostar for 2 years where I was awarded player of the year and I was eventually scouted for the Tottenham youth development. Unfortunately I was released from the training sessions. About 2 years later I signed for Ridgeway Rovers who I still play for today. At Ridgeway I have scored 6 goals and assisted 10 so far this season.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My main position is a winger but I can comfortably play in central midfield and central forward. I would like to think that I am a team player. I have good flair, passing, physical, mental and technical skills. I definitely think that I believe in myself and I can defeat any challenge that I am given.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think that an academy manager should give me a football trial because I am talented and can make a difference to a team. I am committed to always improving not only as an individual but also help the team improve. I will always give 100 percent effort and will be extremely proud to be  part of the club.


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