Last Name: Dixon
City: Isleworth
State/Prov: Middlesex
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: Cm
Current Football Club: Equippers
Past Football Club: Hounslow borough,old isleworthians,farnborough
Football Club You Want Trial For: Queens park rangers
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: From the age I could walk I've always been playing football I started playing football with the years above me before I joined a football team at u9's I played for a few years having interest from crystal palace however something tragically happened in my family so I had to stop playing for a few years but I started playing te last 2 years and im as passionate as I was before
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Many people say that I have great vision I'm able to pick out a pass from short or long passes all around the pitch I'm very passionate and don't give up I work hard and encourage my team mates and give them believe that we can win any game we play. I am a intelligent player who reads the game to intercept and cut out opponents attacks and being in the right place by reading where the ball is going to be going
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: The reason why a academy manager should give me a trial is because they will see the work I put in and the passion I have for the game also they will see me when I play what I am capable of and how I am also a team Ayer by helping and talking to my team mates as well as doing the best I can 24 7
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