Last Name: Skipp
City: Burntwood
State/Prov: South staffs
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Left midfield/ right
Current Football Club: Chasetown
Past Football Club: Hercules cf. Spain
Football Club You Want Trial For: Wolves
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I Played for 3cs in birmingham from the age of 6 to 10, was offered a trial at WBA in 2007 but was moving to Spain that summer so didn't accept, played for local club near alicante called muchamiel cf and was offered trials at Villarreal and Hercules, as Villarreal was a 3 hour drive accepted trial for Hercules, spent a season there between 2009-10 but playing time was ltd so moved to el campello cf in the alicante region, played there under head coach 'felix ' ex Barcelona, moved back to England I'm 2013 after a bereavement in the family and joined chasetown, have played there for the last season, I'm a naturally left footed player but am just as comfortable with my right foot.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I played as a left winger at under 7s to 10s and was leading goal scorer in 2 of those seasons , and also in Spain for the first year, after being coached at Hercules I was told to cut inside from either the left or right side , the coaching I recieved there taught me to be more comfortable on the ball and also improved my passing range,and my overall techniques , I try to do things simple and to make the right decisions .
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: It's what I've always wanted to do, play football,I'm a hard worker and always listen to any advice about my game, and what should be done to change and improve, I will always give 100% in training and playing and will work as hard as I can to prove myself for whoever I play for
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