    Last Name: Trivino
    City: Wembley , willesden
    State/Prov: United Kingdom
    Country: Country
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: LM , ST , CAM
    Current Football Club: Hendon fc
    Past Football Club: Brentford hendon fc
    Football Club You Want Trial For: any fulham
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: when i was 11 i played for brentford, when the age of 13, i got released for lack of commitment.i wear the number 17 shirt and i trialed for far  clubs i got in but to far
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: i have low sense of gravity and attack at pace. my record in 100m is  12.01.i play like Eden hazard i think it is time to level the gear for me because i am good enough to play at academy level.My strengths are finishing pace and elegant on  the football. i never give up on the pitch.i hardly lose the ball with my low sense of gravity i am really skillful bags of tricks.i can effect the game
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: i think that a academy manger should offer me a football trial because i can add skiils and a south american on the pitch i want to be one of the first south Americans players in English football. in every match i play my best i dont want to play in sunday league i score about 4 goals a game and i want a chance.


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