Last Name: Sykulski
City: Warsaw
State/Prov: Masovian
Country: Poland
Your Age:
Playing Position: Offensive midfielder
Current Football Club: S.F Warszawa
Past Football Club: Delta Warszawa
Football Club You Want Trial For: Crystal palace
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at age of 8. I firstly played at my schools team. We were very good as we beet in indoor tournament polonia Warszawa . Then after 1 year I moved to a club called delta Warszawa. I had 3 trainings per week there and 1 match league. I always played in first squad. Then after 2 years I moved to a much better club called S.F Warszawa. For the first year I played a bit in the first squad but now I play regularly all matches in first squad
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I can play either at offensive midfielder or central midfielder. My ability is passing and control of the ball. I can observe the game very well.My biggest ability is a pass right in time and right in the place. I know when to calm down the situation and when to speed up.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: An academy manager should give me a trial because not all kids at my age have the same abilities like passing an accurate opener pass. In my opinion I am disciplined player that always tries his best during the training and matches. I am open to new ideas and I like to learn a lot of new things. I always want to be better. I never give up.
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