Last Name: MPONZI
    City: DAR ES ALAAM
    State/Prov: DAR ES ALAM
    Country: Tanzania
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: ATACK OR FORWARD
    Current Football Club: KIMARA STAR
    Past Football Clubs: ALIZONA FC ,KIMARA STAR ,SIMBA C 17
    Football Club you want a trial for: EVERTON FC
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: am godfrey mponzi come from tanzania in east africa i started playing football since i was young and went in different academy and also i was a captain on those academy which i pass throu and i have my sertificate of top score also a behaving player and also i was pass in profersional team in TANZANIA called SIMBA FC
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: as a footballer must be a well performing and doing physical exercise and also i have ability to play full game and in position  i can play  in four position if posible and also i can show mu talent to all people this is how a footballer must be and performing well
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: mhhh because he can accept my words because my cv may be emplesing on him for accept my trial from their i think i may get it and it will help me also to to arange my future well



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