marko angelo
    Last Name: de waal
    City: cape town
    State/Prov: western cape
    Country: South Africa
    Your Age: 21
    Playing Position: left wing and centre forward
    Current Football Club: young pirates
    Past Football Clubs: macassar united
    Football Club you want a trial for: bolton wanderes
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i started from school level when i was 5 years old i was always on the bench i had alot of experience in my soccer career but as the time went by i started training harder i focused more on my fitness. At the age of 10 i started to play in every match of the junior bail league and i had scored 1 goal in my career until now.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: at junior level i played the centre back position i know its my strongest position ever too play there but i trained harder to play the left wing and centre forward position the likes of messi and ibrahimovic are my two favorite players of all. So left wing and centre forward are my strongest positions
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: To prove myself that i can do it because i was at level of the juniors u11 in ajax amsterdam but i could not go further cause parental relation problems which affected me. But for my sake a opportunity at bolton will be a blessing to enjoy new skills and new offers that will come my way and that way is through gods grace. The managers will be happy because if they want the best i will give them the best



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