Last Name: Kshirsagar
City: Pune
State/Prov: Maharashtra
Country: India
Your Age: 21
Playing Position: CAM
Current Football Club: Local Club
Past Football Clubs: Local Clubs
Football Club you want a trial for: Barcelona. any from spain or England
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have been playing football from age of 9-10 for my school & then at higher school level. Always started the game & played as a captain on many occasions. I have played various tournaments Arranged by local clubs,could not get an opportunity to go big due to lot of politics at our local clubs, now want a bigger stage
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I have a Great passing sense & eye for the game. I try my best to receive the pass back by movements off the ball staying continuously free. I want to keep the possession with my team maximum, good ball-control & dribbling as well. good at free-kicks. I have v.Good sprint & a decent stamina as well(yet i need to improve)
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I tried many times at local levels, but due to politics prevailing I couldn't. I seriously Love this game & want to play it at any cost. I just ask for a chance to show my game and thel decide later on.
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